Ph.D. in Anthropology/Archaeology, Arizona State University, 1990.
Dissertation Title: Early Hunter-Gatherer Procurement Ranges in the
Southwest: Evidence from Obsidian Geochemistry and Lithic Technology.
Committee: Geoffrey A. Clark (chair), C. Vance Haynes (Arizona), Donald H.
Morris, John R. Holloway (Geology/Chemistry), Charles L. Redman.
M.A. in Anthropology, San Diego State University, 1981.
Thesis title: Late Prehistoric Exchange Network Analysis in Carrizo Gorge and
the Far Southwest (published by Coyote Press, 1994). Committee: J.W.
Ball (chair),
L.L. Leach, N.H. Greenwood.
BA Anthropology, BA Environmental Science, San Diego State University (Cum Laude with Distinction in Anthropology) 1979. Senior Thesis: Late Prehistoric Settlement Patterns and Biotic Communities in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, San Diego County California. Published in Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, 1981.
ΦΒΚ 1980, Nu Chapter, San Diego State University
2019 Roald Fryxell Medal for Interdisciplinary Research (Physical Science), Society for American Archaeology. Awarded at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12 April 2019
2011 - present Professor Emeritus of Geoarchaeology, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
2011 - present, Adjunct Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico.
2001-2011 Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley. Taught a variety of courses in the department (Seminar in Method and Theory of Lithic Technology - Anth 228; Archaeological Science - Anth 131; Graduate Seminar in Method and Theory - Anth 229; Southwest Prehistory- Anth 122/222, a distance learning course with UCSC; Archaeological Petrology -Anth 134; Data Analysis and Computational Methods - Anth 169A (Grad section - Anth 228B); Archaeological XRF Lab - Anth 134B; and Directed Studies with individual students on various topics).
1990-2005 Research Archaeologist, Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.
1995-2000 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley.
1994-1995 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley.
1990-present Faculty Member, Archaeological Research Facility, University of California, Berkeley.
1989-1990 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University.
1987-1991 Lecturer in Archaeology, Desert Studies Consortium, California State University, Fullerton. Taught: A Replicative Approach to Lithic Technology in the Mojave Desert (Anth 814), Winter and/or Spring Quarters.
2005-present, Associate Editor, Geoarchaeology, Wiley-Interscience, New York.
2000-2006, SAS/North American Editor for Archaeometry, Blackwell Publishing, Ltd., Oxford.
1998-2000, Associate Editor for Archaeometry, Oxford University
President (1993-1994), International Association for Obsidian Studies, Vice President 1992-1993; 1991-1993
2011-present Director, Geoarchaeological XRF Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico <>.
1990-2011 Director, Berkeley Archaeological XRF Laboratory. Directed external, museum, and student projects in archaeological geochemistry focusing mainly on obsidian studies of the Greater American Southwest <>.
1996-present Co-PI with Bruce Huckell (University of New Mexico), Investigations at McEuen Cave, Arizona: Early Agriculture and Bow Technology. Continuing research and excavation of rockshelter in the BLM Fishhook Wilderness, Gila Mountains, Arizona, funded by the National Science Foundation and the Stahl Endowment for Archaeological Research, UC, Berkeley..
1998-present Northwest Mexico Archaeological Obsidian Project. Direct long-term areal survey of northeastern Sonora and northern Chihuahua sources of archaeological obsidian. Cooperative project between my lab, INAH, Mexico, the Cerro Juanaqueña project of the University of Texas, San Antonio, the El Paso Archaeological Society, and the University of Montana.
1998 Central Honduras Archaeological Obsidian Project. Field and lab consultant for the discovery, field geological mapping, collection, and analytical studies of archaeological sources of obsidian in Honduras. Funded by a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation to Rosemary Joyce.
1993-1997 Co-PI with Eric Ritter, and obsidian analyst for Investigations of Adaptation and Change among Prehistoric Cultures in the Bahía de los Angeles, Baja California Norte. Survey project under INAH permit in this littoral region of Baja California.
1993-94 Obsidian Production and Distribution, Proyecto Arte Rupestre, Baja California Sur, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), Mexico. Field and laboratory consultant for the survey, mapping, and characterization of the Valle del Azufre (Tres Virgenes volcanic field) obsidian source, Baja California Sur.
Archaeological and Historical Society
Geological Society of America
(past President)
Phi Beta Kappa
Society for American Archaeology